There are many factors which will help you decide whether or not your dog needs to wear a coat and what the best one should be. With a massive range from thick warm ones and thin waterproof ones it is easy to find one to suit you.

Why Does my Dog Need a Coat?

Not all dogs do need coats. If they have a thick coat then they are unlikely to get cold in chilly weather, especially in the relatively mild climate we have in the UK. But there are several reasons why you might want to consider a coat for your dog.

Dogs Fur Length and Thickness

Dogs like huskies are unlikely to ever need a coat as they have a natural thick coat designed for very cold weather, but some dogs have very thin fur and so are much more inclined to feel the cold.

Dog Breed and Body Type

Big heavy set dogs are less likely to feel the cold than skinny dogs such as lurchers, whippets and greyhounds, who tend to have very thin fur and a tendency to get cold.

Type of Work

If your dog works, you might want to consider a coat to help them in cold weather after they have been working. Just like us after a bout of intense exercise, they can get cold quickly leading to muscle stiffness and soreness. It is important to properly warm your dog up and cool them down just like you would do yourself. The use of a coat can help warm and cool their muscles preventing soreness and injury.


If your dog is elderly they may have some arthritis and joint and muscle pain. A coat can help relieve some of these symptoms by keeping their joints warm, especially when exercising in cold weather.

Joint Pain and Arthritis

If your dog has any muscle or joint pain, then a coat can really help keep those muscles and joints warm when it’s chilly, reducing pain and stiffness. McTimoney Dog Chiropractor Treatments and massage can also be very beneficial.


My lurcher hates cold and wet weather so he will wear two coats when it’s chilly and wet outside. Even if your dog doesn’t need a coat for any other reason, a thin waterproof one may help keep your house cleaner and less smelly after a particularly wet walk.

Also some coats are cooling and are great for hot weather and help keep your them cool.


Some coats can act as protection for your dog if they have allergies such as grass allergies.

Which Coat?

There are hundreds of dog coats on the market with endless choices and prices. One of the ones I really recommend is the Equafleece as their coats are made with thick soft fleece that’s water repellent and breathable. They come in a huge variety of sizes so you get the perfect fit.

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