Update For Covid-19 Guidelines: Canine Chiropractors

Update For Covid-19 Guidelines: Canine Chiropractors

Thankfully McTimoney Animal Therapy will be able to remain open during this lockdown. There are still strict guidelines outlined that I will need everyone to abide by as safety is my top priority. When you book a treatment with me I will also email a copy of the guidelines over to you so please do follow them. I will ensure I follow guidelines laid out by the McTimoney Animal Association and Holistic Insurance.

What is McTimoney for Dogs?

McTimoney for dogs is a very gentle treatment that is accepted by most dogs, even ones that are in pain. It focuses on gently releasing muscle tension in a dogs back and supporting musculature to reduce pain and discomfort and restore function to the joint. After the treatment I will perform massage to work out any remaining areas of spasm and discomfort.